Oct 23, 2018
I’m Kari Keating, mom of 3 young boys, that ditched a 17-year, 6 figure corporate career to go after her dreams. I’ve been coaching professionally for over 2 years and have had a wide variety of clients from recording artists, website developers, photographers, professional network marketers and other life coaches.
My zone of genius lies in helping soul-based entrepreneurs get out
of their heads and into inspired action, so they can make the
impact they crave and the income they deserve.
This is the first episode of my new podcast, Work Hard / Mom Hard.
In the inaugural episode, I share my experience growing up as a
minister's daughter, why I started working at 13, how I hustled in
my corporate career until finally realizing what I thought I always
wanted wasn’t what I actually wanted.
After a life-changing decision to ditch my corporate career I found
myself raising 3 babies while trying to get 2 businesses off the
ground. I was hanging on by a thread and after having some deep and
insightful conversations with successful Moms who had already “made
it” not only was I given the insight and energy I needed to keep
going, but I was also given the idea to launch this podcast and
start having that same conversation with all of you.
We will use this space to dive deep on giving you tips, tools
inspiration and motivation to help you get out of your head and
into action, so you can bring your vision to life!
Highlights for this episode
1:34 - My story
2:21 - Getting to know my family
3:54 - My dad comes to his fork in the road
5:35 - I fall in love
7:13 - My one piece of advice for teenage kids
7:39 - I meet my husband and start my family
8:44 - How do I follow my love for work AND family?
10:39 - I go full-time into entrepreneurship
11:56 - Three kids, no child care, a newborn, what am I doing?
13:57 - The conversation that changed my business and planted the seed for this podcast
15:49 - The intention of this podcast
17:33 - An encouraging word to all the mothers
Connect with me
Check out my website - https://www.kari-keating.com/
Join the conversation - https://www.instagram.com/karikeating/
Podcast edited and mixed by Andrew Geary - https://twitter.com/spelledgeary